Leadership Team

Our fantastic team of teachers have one aim - to bring out the best in your child.

That's why you'll find our staff friendly and welcoming with a real interest in your child and your views on their progress. It all makes for a great atmosphere of support and encouragement for your child to have fun and grow at their own pace.

So, you can relax knowing that your child is in the best of hands.

Mrs Bee Wright



Mrs Bee has been a head teacher for the last 20 years of a 30+ year teaching career. She believes passionately, that every child can succeed with the right level of challenge, support and determination.
Outside school, Mrs Bee enjoys climbing and hiking and is an active member of the local walking society.

Mrs Kate Moore

Deputy Headteacher


Kate has recently joined the team as the Deputy Headteacher and loves being part of our school community - she feels like she's always been here! Joining Demo School after teaching in Wolverhampton for twelve years, she is really looking forward to embracing the new opportunities here in Yorkshire. Kate is passionate about teaching and learning and loves celebrating the successes of every child.

In her spare time, Kate loves to swim and spend time with her family.

Mrs Alice May

Senior SENCO


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