Aims and Ethos

Who are we?

We embody our values of virtue, learning and manners. We are proud of our modern inclusive community which is shaped by our firm foundation.

"Our pupils are confident, they look out for each other, they do the right thing, even when no-one is looking and they respect difference: you will see a footballer enjoying lunch with a chorister and a dancer running a recycling project with a chess player."

We help our pupils to solve problems. In partnership with parents, we teach them to persevere after setbacks, adopt a growth mindset, and challenge the norm. We encourage them to ask questions in class and take control of their own learning. Of course, they work hard and enjoy great success in and out of the classroom, and once they’ve left us, many go on to use and develop their leadership skills and achieve beyond their expectations.

We will;
  • recognise the individual needs of all children and make the best provision for them by offering a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum;
  • create a happy, healthy working environment where every member of the school community can achieve their full potential and where everyone is valued and equal opportunities are available for all;
  • provide an innovative curriculum to encourage all children to become motivated learners;
  • encourage a sense of independence and responsibility and foster respect for moral and spiritual values;
  • develop an understanding of others regardless of race, religion and differing ways of life;
  • build on each child’s experience at home in order to develop skills, attitudes and knowledge;
  • encourage parents to work with us in all aspects of the development of our school
  • extend the children’s learning beyond the classroom into the school grounds and on into the local community and wider world;
  • welcome visitors into our school;
  • ensure that continuity and progression are maintained throughout the school and that effective records are kept of each child’s development.